Monday, October 4, 2010

Thing #6

Wow this subscribing to blogs is so exciting. I love to travel and am now a member of many different blogs related to traveling. I've also joined a few that show educators experiences as they work in other countries. This is an amazing new adventure for me.  I love how I can read something of interest and if I  have a question post a comment and it is answered. I like how when I go to the reader it shows me all the content in bold which is definitely overwhelming but I'm adjusting. I'm spendng a lot more time reading off of the computer these days which is not the most relaxing read but I am now realizing how people can leave work and come home and spend hours on the computer. I don't watch television or typically spend much time with objects that use electricity at my home. However, since this new adventure I'm sure my electric bill will go up due to the endless hours of reading interesting posts. I'm not complaining it's just changing my world one blog at a time. I guess you could say I've lived in the dark ages at home until now. My favorite new link has to be


  1. I have learned I have to set a time limit, otherwise I would stay on my reader all day and night.

  2. I too found subscribing to blogs to be exciting! I, unlike you, usually come home and spend quite a bit of time on the computer, however, it is usually random sites that I don't contribute anything to. After reading the blogs about commenting, I have become more dedicated to keeping up with my reader and commenting. It is amazing how my personal background knowledge is going to blossom just by being an avid reader of other blogs. Welcome to the next generation! :]
