Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thing 2 Thoughts about web 2.0

I'm very excited and nervous about web 2.0... I have a lot to learn and am eager to continue on this journey. Creating a classroom blog is just an idea or way this has already changed my thinking... it would be awesome to post stories, activities and I'm sure teachers and parents use this all the time and I'm excited that now I know how. Using short clips and videos to teach the kids web skills is a great idea to catch todays digital learners. Everything revolves around technology so the kids love anything to do with videos and exploration. I even love watching the how to videos so this is going to help me branch out and search for anything I hear about in the world of technology. Instead of acting like I've heard about something I can search and go to you tube to watch a video on how to podcast or whatever it may be.


  1. You have a great attitude about viewing the Web 2.0 as an avenue of learning. I need to see it as a open road of possibilities rather than a scary dark alley (my initial reaction).

  2. No need to be nervous: You already seem open to new things and exploring.
